What is your lease?
Making changes to your lease
Change of name
If you need to change the names on your lease, for example if you have married or separated, please get in touch with us straight away.
If you have changed names following a marriage or civil partnership, we will need to see a copy of your marriage or civil partnership certificate, and we will update our records.
If you need to add or remove names on the property we will need notice of the change from your solicitor because the lease is a legal document.
Extending your lease
Leases are usually granted with either a 99 or 125 year term. Where the remaining term of your lease starts to fall below 80 years you might face difficulties if you want to sell your home or remortgage because mortgage lenders tend not to approve them.
A lease extension is a statutory right for 100% leaseholders provided you meet the eligibility criteria detailed. Shared owners cannot formally apply to extend their lease through this statutory route.
Selling your home
Let us know when you want to sell your home.
Your Shared Ownership lease grants us a ‘nomination period’ of 8 weeks - allowing us time to find a suitable buyer for your home.
Whether you are a shared owner with us or own 100% of your property, you need our consent if you wish to remortgage in order to borrow money against your property, or if you are changing mortgage provider.
Initially we need written notice from either your lender or solicitor. An administration fee is also payable.
Buying more shares
As a shared owner you can purchase additional shares in the property you own. This is known as staircasing. First ask us for an information pack, which includes forms you will need to apply.
Making changes to your home
You can choose how you decorate and furnish your home but we'll need to give you permission if you want to make any improvements or alterations.
This could include things such as:
- Putting in a new bathroom or kitchen
- Changing the central heating
- Replacing internal doors
Certain things may not be allowed – like internal structural changes. We may not be able to let you knock down a wall, change the exterior or build into a loft space/basement. We may not allow laminate or wooden flooring either because it's so much noisier for your neighbours than carpet. Please check your lease to see what flooring you can have.
Permission for a pet
If you're thinking of getting a furry friend, please get in touch with us first.
We can provide all the information you need about keeping a pet at home.
We cannot always give written permission to keep pets, so you must check with us first. It's worth getting in touch as soon as you plan to get a pet.
Repairs responsibilities at your home
We'll repair and maintain the shared areas of your building - like the hallways, corridors, stairs and outside spaces.
You're responsible for any maintenance or repairs inside your property.
Gas safety
As a home owner it is your responsibility to have your gas appliances checked and serviced every 12 months by a Gas Safe registered engineer.
If your gas appliance has not been checked for 12 months it could become unsafe and you might be in breach of your lease.
Buildings Insurance
PA Housing is responsible for buildings insurance cover on leasehold and shared ownership properties under our management.
The insurance is provided as part of PA Housing’s block policy. Leaseholders can contact the insurer directly to make a claim under the buildings insurance cover.
You can request a copy of the Summary of Cover from us. If you require a copy of the full policy, we can send one to you a fee may be payable.