If any criminal activity has left behind any materials in a communal area that need clearing away, please complete our general online reporting form and attach a photo if possible, and we will arrange to get this removed.
If any of these materials are hazardous to health, such as needles or bodily fluids or prevent you living safety in your home (such as Arson attack) you should call us on 0300 123 2221 to avoid any potential delay in picking up your online report.
Criminal offences and you need to report it to the Police immediately. If you feel your safety is at immediate risk, you should call the fire service and the police on 999. Otherwise, call 101.
- Arson
- Drug use or dealing
- Gun or knife crime
- Assault
- Sexual offences
- Threats or abuse or violence
- Criminal damage or threatening behaviours
Once you have spoken to the police, please send us the incident report number and the officer’s name so we can contact them. We will work with them and yourself to agree on the next steps.
You can make your report using our online ASB form but there may be a delay in picking up your report.
If you do not believe you can safely return to your home, you should report this to the police; PA Housing can not offer any temporary accommodation, but if the Police agree that you are unsafe to return home you can approach your local authority for emergency accommodation (with proof of the police verification).

ASB Help
Is anti-social behaviour ruining your life? Are you scared and not sure what to do? Don't suffer in silence..get help and advice! ASB Help is a registered charity in England and Wales set up to provide advice and support to victims of anti-social behaviour. Get help