The team can give residents advice and guidance, offering practical support and making referrals to partner agencies.
They are divided into the three areas listed below, working hand in hand to help obtain the best outcome for residents.
Deal with antisocial behaviour ASB and tenancy breaches; they will provide practical support to those affected by ASB. This is done by agreeing on joint action plans and working with residents to resolve the ASB. We try to help residents remain in their homes; however, it is necessary to take enforcement action in some cases. This is achieved by working in partnership with other agencies and taking a multi-agency approach to tackling the issues.
Offer advice, guidance, and signpost residents to partner agencies as required. The team works closely with partner agencies to help residents who may be affected by domestic abuse, are struggling to deal with hoarding or may be experiencing poor mental health, drug and alcohol-related issues. This team aims to promote safety and well-being to our residents and help them get the support they need.
Investigates reports of unlawful subletting, key selling, unlawful assignment, obtaining housing by deception and abandoned properties. We aim to ensure that the homes are being used by people entitled to live there and to ensure we are recovering properties for other households in need.

Domestic abuse
If it is an emergency and you believe a crime is happening, that someone is injured, you are being threatened, or in immediate danger, you should always call 999.

If you have immediate concerns for the safety and wellbeing of an adult, child or young person, please phone 999 and report this to the police immediately

Mental health
If you have urgent concerns for an individual's wellbeing, please call 999.

Cuckooing is when an individual/gang takes over someone else’s home in order to use it for drug dealing and illegal activities, they can use violence to control and intimidate people.

Tenancy fraud
Tenancy fraud is when a customer provides false information to gain property, sublets the property to someone else, or does not use it as their only or main home.

Hoarding disorder is a mental health problem that a doctor can diagnose. But you might also experience hoarding as part of another mental or physical health problem