How to find opportunities with us?
In-Tend has been designed to give you (the suppliers, contractors, consultants, service providers, etc.) the information you need to trade more easily with PA Housing. The site has specific areas, as shown below, which enable you to:
- Self register as a prospective supplier.
- Maintain your profile information.
- Obtain (download) tender documents electronically.
- Upload tender submissions electronically.
- View current and future tendering opportunities.
You can register as a prospective supplier and find procurement opportunities here.

Other opportunities
Housing Procurement has several Housing Associations linked to it under one platform powered by Proactis. The Government has two websites that can be used to find procurement opportunities. If you are looking for smaller opportunities with a contract value below £200,000, 'Contracts Finder' would be the place to visit. If you are looking at more considerable opportunities with a contract value over £200,000, 'Find a Tender Services' would be the place to stay. In addition to the above, you can also register on platforms such as myTenders or Tenders Direct. These sites will post you to opportunities.
Housing Procurement Portal