In a time of sustained high housing demand and significant affordability challenges for many people, we recognise the importance of building new, genuinely affordable homes.
This is a national issue, affecting all of the communities that we serve. We are committed to providing as many new homes as we can sustainably afford. As part of this, we will build on our strong partnerships with developers and contractors, Local Authorities, our lenders, and grant funding partners at the Greater London Authority (GLA) and Homes England.
Our overarching ambitions are set out in Our Corporate Plan 2024-29, one of which is to create high quality new homes and thriving neighbourhoods that our residents are proud to live in.
We have 6 core areas of focus for our growth strategy moving forward:
Active asset management and regeneration
Funding our new homes
Delivering new homes
Thriving communities
Quality and sustainability
Risk Management

Thames View House redevelopment
The redevelopment of Thames View House is not only an opportunity to replace an outdated, failing building with higher quality homes but also to completely transform the lives of local residents through the creation of a far more attractive living environment. It has a strong fit with our strategic objectives, self-delivering a wholly affordable housing scheme, social rented homes and community infrastructure. Find out more
Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG)
PA Housing is strongly committed to the principles of ESG and we're pleased to publish our Environmental, Social and Governance (‘ESG’) outturn report. The report covers activities in the financial year ended 31 March 2023 and it incorporates the ESG metrics included in the sector-wide Sustainability Reporting Standard for Social Housing, of which PA Housing is one of a number of housing association early adopters. The report also provides a general update on PA Housing’s ESG activities during the year.
Read the latest report